Welcome to the VIP Blog

Thanks for checking out our VIP Fitness Blog. Here we provide you with insight, tips & much more, to help you succeed at your goals....and maybe even look at things from a different point of view. We'll try to keep it light and fun, so check back often for updates. Enjoy your reading and be sure to drop us an email with your feedback!
Christmas Holiday Dieting
Posted on December 6, 2011 by
Here are some Christmas Dieting Tips to ensure you enjoy your holiday without having to worry about the holiday bulge:
1. Enjoy yourself.....
Alcohol & Training
Posted on Sept 14, 2011 by
What are the effects of alcohol on your body, more specifically, as it relates to physical training? I imagine this will be an unpopular subject for many, but it is an important one to understand if you truly want to get the most out of your training....
Staying on Track
Posted on Aug 22, 2011 by
“Hey coach. I am working out and have been doing really good for the first 3 weeks. I went out of town for a few days and came back home and missed a total of 4 workouts. I’m having a hard time deciding if I should restart the program...."
The Afterburn Effect
Posted on May 1, 2011 by
Did you know that the more intensely you work out the more calories you’ll be burning up to 36 hours after your sweat session? See, I only push you because I care!This phenomenon is known as the “afterburn effect”.....
Top 8 Fitness Myths Revealed
Posted on Jan 17, 2011 by
Fitness Myth #1 – Ladies will get bulky performing resistence training. I hear this one all the time – most people don’t realize how hard it is for men to bulk up let alone women. Remember, men have 10 times more testosterone, which is the hormone responsible for building muscle. Ladies you NEED resistance training if you want your body to be lean and toned....
New Year, New You!
Posted on Dec 27, 2010 by
In 2011, do not let your New Year's Resolution beat you! I am going to tell you about the trap that most people fall into during this time of the year, why they never successfully follow through with their Resolution and how you can overcome that....
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